News - 02
former IOBB website
From: Jacky Foo []
Date: 14 Januari 2004
(edited - 25 Jan 2004)

Since the official announcement of my appointment as chairman of IOBB, I have created the IOBB website and a few electronic mailing lists to provide some background and current information about IOBB, as well as to facilitate my communication by email. 

By next month, I wish to see appointments of representatives into the IOBB organizational structure and working groups and to make some changes in the statutes (by-laws) for simple procedures and mechanisms that can create self-organizing "platforms" to welcome ideas/initiatives and their implementation.

Here are a few items that calls for your attention and invites your involvement.

(1) Self-Nominations as national representative(s).
Please volunteer if you are already involved in organizing local and national activities. A regional representative(s) will be selected from national reps. and then the members of the executive committee. So this is an important "point of entry".

(2) Working Groups
Please propose new working groups and volunteer yourself into the management and working groups. There is currently no funding from IOBB for proposed activities from working groups, so we need to be initiative in seeking for funds or implement them with volunteers . Web space and mailing lists will be available.

(3) IOBB Members 2004
Your name will be listed in the list of IOBB members (2004). Please take a look. Kindly provide/correct missing info e.g. url links for your "name" to your profile/CV, to your department/organization and max 3-4 words on your expertise or title. If you don’t have a webpage for your profile, IOBB can create and maintain a "one-screen" web page if you pay your membership fee.

(4) Setting up IOBB 2004
I have created a mailing list to receive suggestions on how to improve IOBB and what we can do to keep it active. If you wish to join this group, please send me ( an email with some background information about yourself (e.g. experience in creation/management of organizations, organizing activitives). Please anticipate heavy email exchanges.

Jacky E.L. Foo (
Chairman, IOBB